Friday, June 1, 2007

Proposed Modifications by JCJ Development

Below are the modifications as proposed by JCJ Development-Jim Jaeger for the property at 1820-1842 Irving Park Road.

Project as Originally proposed
Height of building: 79 feet
Total parking spots: 199
Total retail parking (included in total above): 17
Total residential parking: 182
Square footage of retail: 8500
Rear set-back from property line: 2 feet
Rear set back in alley at floors 2-6: 2 feet
Garage entrances in alleyway: 2
Garage entrance and exit in front: 1
Height of loading area: 19 feet tall
Height of retail space: 19 feet tall
Width of Rear Loading area: 54 feet wide
Width of Rear Loading door: 27 feet wide

Project after Modifications
Height of building 78 feet
Total parking spots: 161
Total retail parking: (included in total above) 27
Total residential parking: 134
Square footage of retail: 8500
Rear set back from property line in alley 2 feet
Rear set back from alley at floors 2-6: 15 feet
Garage entrances in alleyway: 1
Garage entrance and exit in front: 1
Height of loading area: 18 feet tall
Height of retail space 18 feet tall
Width of Rear Loading area: 54 feet wide
Width of Rear Loading door: 27 feet wide

The representatives of North Center Neighbors - Irving Park Branch have met with JCJ Development and Jonathan Splitt Architects on three seperate occasions. We appreciate all of their hard work and time, BUT what we continue to hear from the people in the neighborhood,is that they are still greatly concerned about the HEIGHT AND DENSITY (number of residential units)of this proposed project.

We have asked JCJ Development and Jonathan Splitt Architects to make substantial changes in the height, reduce the number of residential units and to add significant community benefits, to this proposed development.

If they are willing to do this then we will continue further meetings.


Anonymous said...

It appears to me that the proposed changes are insignificant. They still want to build a seven storey building, when the zoning calls for four storeys.

I would love to see a proposal for a building that conforms to the current zoning.

Anonymous said...

Why is it better to have fewer garage spaces for residents? Wouldn't that potentially put more resident's cars parked on the neighborhood streets?

Joy Okon said...

Hello Anonymous

The resident parking spaces were decreased in order to increase the number of retail parking spaces. Also, The thought was with fewer resident parking spaces this would result in less traffic in the Cuyler Alley and hence decrease some of the danger to the Cuyler residents/pedestrians using the alley.

Thank you for your comment.

Anonymous said...

I am still concerned with all the foot traffic on Irving park due to the Trains & buses, and the proposed retail spaces, that they still include a parking ramp exit/entrance egress in the middle of the block on Irving Park Rd.

Anonymous said...

The height is reduced by one foot? Can this be real?

The zoning ordinance was put in place to protect the character of the neighborhood and ensure adequate light, air, privacy and access to property.

I would like to see a building that adheres to the current zoning. That's what it's there for.

Anonymous said...

I agree the proposed changes are insignificant. Show us anther plan within current zoning. This is simply a game of more size more money (profit for developer) at the exspence of the community. A more modest building can be built. This builder just refuses to do so.