Saturday, May 3, 2008


Tom, Harrison and I would like to "Thank" everyone who attended the fundraiser/neighborhood meeting last Friday, 4/25 at O'Donovan's. Your support and kindness was overwhelming.

We would like to extend a special "Thank you" to the following people who extended support and guidance during the last 12 months - in light of the lawsuit filed against us.

Julie and Will Hobert
Daliah Saper
Carol Jones
Bart and Laura Eilts
Sherri McDermott
Susan Tonon
Tam Dillman
Byron Uxtipo
Margaret and Tomas Aguilar
Al Podorski
Pam Fox

If we can ever help any of our neighbors, please contact us.

More information can be found at

COMMUNITY MEETING - Tuesday 5/6/08 7PM

The topic of this meeting is to discuss the proposed "Residential Permit Parking" request on the 1800 block of West Cuyler Avenue.

Your input and attendance is extremely important in regards to this matter. A vote MAY be taken to proceed with this project.

Any questions please contact the 47th Ward's Public Service Office at 773/348-8400.

We have some information on this topic - feel free to send us an email at